On the imposition of the monetary fine on the Currency Exchange Bureau LTD "Sopo" (I/N 404545872)

    Failure of compliance with obligations of the article 8 paragraph 4 and 5 of the law of Georgia on "Facilitating the Prevention of the Legalization of Illegal Income", of article 4 paragraph 2 subparagraph "F" of the regulation "On the Acquiring, Systematization, Processing and Transferring the Information to the Financial Monitoring Service of Georgia by the Currency Exchange Bureaus" adopted on January 18, 2012 by the order N1 of the Head of the Financial Monitoring Service of Georgia and of article 29 paragraph 2 of the law of Georgia on "Facilitating the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism". Currency Exchange Bureau failed to comply with the obligations of internal control and monitoring for the purposes of facilitation of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. Adopted rules and procedures did not correspond with the legislation and was not used in practice, which according to the article 3 paragraph 3 subparagraph "I" of the "Rule for determining, imposing and executing monetary penalty for the currency exchange bureaus and their heads" (redaction of 19.03.2021) adopted on February 5, 2020 by the order №17/04 of the President of the National Bank of Georgia envisages fine with the amount of 3 000 (three thousand) Lari;

    6 (six) cases of the provision of inaccurate information by the currency exchange bureau to the National Bank of Georgia through the supervision reports defined by the "Rule of the Filling the Supervision Report on the Legalization of the Illegal Income and Terrorism Financing and Provision of Information by the Currency Exchange Bureaus" adopted on November 15, 2018 by the decree №248/04 of the President of the National Bank of Georgia, which according to the article 5 paragraph 2 subparagraph "Q" of the "Rule for determining, imposing and executing monetary penalty for the violation of the requirements of the law of Georgia on "Facilitation of Prevention of the Legalization of Illegal Income" by the microfinance organizations, currency exchange bureaus and entities carrying out money transfers" adopted on February 7, 2012 by the order №25/04 of the President of the National Bank of Georgia and article 2 paragraph 2 subparagraph "O" of the "Rule for determining, imposing and executing monetary penalty for the currency exchange bureaus and their heads" adopted on February 5, 2020 by the order №17/04 of the President of the National Bank of Georgia envisages fine with the amount of 1 000 (one thousand) Lari on each case. Total – 9 000 (nine thousand) Lari;

    The Currency Exchange Bureau LTD "Sopo" (I/D 404545872) was fined with the total amount of 9 000 (nine thousand) Lari.