

The fitness criteria of lari banknotes and coins, according to their physical condition, as well as the terms of their acceptance and replacement are defined by the 27/06/2011 N4 Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Georgia “on Criteria Defining the Fitness for  the Banknotes and Coins of the National Currency of Georgia and Rules of their Acceptance and Replacement".

The replacement of the worn or damaged Lari banknotes and coins, if they meet the fitness criteria for payment, is provided at the National Bank of Georgia and commercial bank located at the territory of Georgia free of charge according to their face value.


Business entities (except for commercial banks) and non-commercial legal entities are obligated to accept, without impediment, the warn/damaged lari banknotes and coins during the payment operations according to their nominal value if, (a) for banknotes – the banknote requisites are not significantly changed and/or it is easily possible to identify security features and face value of the banknote and the banknote original size is retained; (b) for coins - the images, size and color are maintained and it is easily possible to identify the coin.


The commercial bank is obligated, during the payment operations or for the purpose of further replacement to accept, without impediment, the lari banknotes/coins with any kind of damages, if more than 50 percent of the original banknote/coin size is retained and it is possible to identify them.


The commercial banks shall not return the damaged/ warn banknotes/coins in circulation.


The National Bank of Georgia does not replace or exchange foreign currency and does not set rules for commercial banks in this regard.