Working Papers

    Covid-19 and the Return of the 3-Star Consumption Functions in the US

    Mariam Tchanturia, Jared Laxton, Douglas Laxton and Shalva Mkhatrishvili

    Keyword:Consumption Function, Monetary Policy, Neutral Rate
    Serial Number:WP 03/2024
    Date:4 June, 2024
    Covid-19 and the Return of the 3-Star Consumption Functions in the US

    DSGE Model for Georgia: LEGO with Emerging Market Features

    Lasha Arevadze, Shalva Mkhatrishvili, Saba Metreveli, Giorgi Tsustkiridze, Tamar Mdivnishvili and Nika Khinashvili

    Keyword:DSGE model; dollar-invoicing; modified UIP; monetary policy
    Serial Number:WP 02/2024
    Date:1 May, 2024
    DSGE Model for Georgia: LEGO with Emerging Market Features

    Core Inflation Requiem: Paving the Way for a Dual-Component CPI in FPAS Central Banks

    Shalva Mkhatrishvili, Tamta Sopromadze, Jared Laxton, Sergo Gadelia, Giorgi Gigineishvili , Ana Nizharadze , Mariam Tchanturia , Douglas Laxton

    Keyword:Non-tradable sticky prices; Monetary policy credibility; Core inflation
    Serial Number:WP 01/2024
    Date:4 April, 2024
    Core Inflation Requiem: Paving the Way for a Dual-Component CPI in FPAS Central Banks
    Keyword:Sustainable Finance, Financial Stability , Ecosystem services
    Serial Number:WP 02/2023
    Date:1 August, 2023
    Biodiversity-related Financial Risks – why it matters and how can we measure them? Case study of Georgia