Financial Innovation Office
The rapid development of technologies has provided significant new opportunities in terms of affordability, convenience and effectiveness of financial products. The vision of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG) for financial stability focuses on the improvement of the optimal balance between financial sector development and risks. The modern supervisory framework is quite complex and difficult to navigate, especially for financial startups. It is important for us to encourage innovators with fintech ideas and to support the transformation of these ideas into a sustainable financial model.
The goal of the Financial Innovation Office is to create an effective communication framework between financial innovators and supervisors.The NBG supervisory approach to risk is technologically neutral. We believe that every innovator should have an equal opportunity to show their value, gain recognition for risk management and make our financial market better. To this end, we strive to help innovators better understand financial market rules and processes.
The Financial Innovation Office is a means of communication between the NBG and the community of innovators of financial technologies. This office offers an easy way to get direct feedback on supervisory questions within the framework of the NBG mandate to fintech startups and companies interested in the financial sector. The mission of the Office is to promote responsible innovations in the financial sector and to help fintech organizations / startups understand the supervisory approach of NBG's regulations.
The Financial Innovation Office promotes Fintech startups in three key ways:
General Information. It assists in navigation in the publicly available documentation. This may include a regulatory framework and other public information that will help Fintech startups and innovators implement their ideas.
Direct communication. Offers an additional communication channel, which will help you receive answers timely on your queries regarding the supervisory approaches to financial technologies.
Individual feedback. Individual feedback will depend on the needs of every person and will be tailored to a respective request.
The Financial Innovation Office is intended for those who are involved or plan to enter the fintech and regtech market and who may be directly or indirectly affected by the NBG's supervisory approach. It is also interesting for those, whose business models and products are innovative and have potential to transform existing financial services.
It should be noted that the Financial Innovation Office is intended for those who have a plan to develop and implement the innovative model or technology. Therefore, it should not be used by intermediary, legal or consulting firm.
We welcome and are ready to answer your questions. We are particularly interested in questions from persons who develop new emerging innovative financial products, services and processes in the local financial market.
We can discuss following issues related to your product/business model:
It is free.
The Financial Innovation Office will respond and provide first feedback as soon as possible. Feedback will not be provided on general questions, other topics and the products/business model that do not meet the above mentioned criteria. For such questions please refer to the information page of the National Bank of Georgia.
Any information or correspondence you receive from us is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an official position, explanation, reference and / or legal or professional advice of the NBG.
Please send your questions via e-mail:
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