Sustainable Finance Roadmap

    The Sustainable Finance Roadmap for Georgia summarizes all possible actions that the NBG intends to implement regarding the sustainable finance development in the near future with the corresponding timeframe. The ultimate goal of this roadmap is to provide a credible, predictable and stable regulatory framework and prepare the market for transitioning to sustainable finance. It aims to support incorporation of sustainability issues into decision-making by providing coherent and consistent actions and allowing time for the system to adapt. The Roadmap includes several key areas, such as increasing awareness and capacity building on sustainable finance; embedding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management into risk-assessment frameworks and decision-making processes of financial institutions and corporations; supporting transparency and market discipline that would eventually guide more capital flows towards sustainable sectors.


    Sustainable Finance Roadmap 




    Increasing Awareness and Capacity Building Sustainable Finance Flows ESG Risk Management Transparency and Market Discipline

    • Develop Policies and Guidance to Support Market Action; 

    • Provide and Facilitate Trainings and Workshops for Stakeholders;

    • Conduct Research on Sustainable Finance Topics;

    • Establish Sustainable Finance Working Group.

    • Introduce Sustainable Finance Taxonomy;

    • Develop Sustainable Finance Guidelines;

    • Explore Options for Incentives and Regulations to Stimulate Sustainable Finance Flows.

    • Integrate ESG Considerations in Corporate Governance (CG) Code for Commercial Banks;

    • Integrate ESG Considerations in CG Code for Capital Market;

    • Develop ESG Risk Management Guidance and Tools.

    • Include Minimum ESG Disclosure Requirements in CG Codes for Commercial Banks and Capital Market;

    • Provide Guidance on ESG Reporting and Disclosure;

    • Develop Progress Measurement Tools;

    • Create an Information Hub.

    Already Implemented; Ongoing; Upcoming