The National Bank of Georgia Continues Practicing Pre-orders for Collector Coins: Giorgi the Brilliant Collector Coins Now Available for Pre-orders
The National Bank is pleased to start accepting pre-orders for the Giorgi the Brilliant collector coins (the "Kings of Georgia" series). The coins are scheduled to be issued in 2023 and that is when their exact value will be known.
Pre-orders for coins will be accepted only through the online shop of the National Bank Money Museum from 10:00 am on February 9, 2022 until February 16, 2022. To pre-order, interested parties must log in to the online store website- and placed desired orders.
When pre-ordering, customers pay GEL 50 in advance for silver coins and GEL1000 for gold coins, as part of their full price.
Please find the detailed information on the following link.