NBG Staff Share Expertise with Azerbaijani Colleagues on Resolution Framework Aligned with EU Directive
Employees from the Resolution and Liquidation Department of the National Bank of Georgia held a two-day seminar to share their expertise with representatives from the Resolution Department of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan. The focus of the seminar was the NBG’s resolution framework for banks, which is largely aligned with the European Union’s Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD).
During the seminar, the NBG team provided comprehensive insights into critical aspects of the resolution framework, including the preparation of recovery plans and identification of critical functions, the development of resolution plans, the application of resolution tools, and the implementation of MREL (Minimum Requirement for Eligible Liabilities and Capital Instruments).
The National Bank of Georgia remains committed to actively supporting its Azerbaijani counterparts and assisting in the implementation of an effective bank resolution framework.
11 December, 2024
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