Warning Of The National Bank Of Georgia

Warning Of The National Bank Of Georgia

26 September, 2017

We inform you that a statement of securities offering has been advertised electronically on a web site www.ubani.ge, that contains inaccurate and misleading information, which does not comply with the requirements of the Law of Georgia on Securities Market.

We remind you that:
1. National Bank or any other agency does not certify any type of securities, or make quality evaluations in any other form;
2. The National Bank shall only bring the Prospect Form into compliance with the requirements of the law and is not responsible for its content. According to the law, the following statement should be clearly shown on the front page of the final prospect: "Approval of the emission prospect by the National Bank of Georgia concerns just the form of the Prospectus and it cannot be considered as the confirmation of the correctness of its content or the value of the investment described";
3. The National Bank of Georgia does not insure any risks of the issuer or define a nominal amount of the issue;
4. The securities referred to in the above statement, in accordance with the Emission Prospectus, represent an unsecured obligation.

In accordance with the Law of Georgia on Securities Market, the issuer is obliged to submit to the potential investor the ultimate prospect of the approved emission and not any other document. In addition, according to the Law of Georgia on Advertising, advertising of securities is not permitted to advertise any other information other than that mentioned in the emission prospectus;

In order to correct the shortcomings and inform the investors, the National Bank shall act within the limits of the law.

We remind you that corporate bonds are not secured either by the state or by the National Bank. Payment of the principal and interest on invested amount depends on the company's solvency. In addition, the financial instrument may lose its market value partially or completely. Therefore, investing in such instruments is associated with the personal risks of the investor and requires appropriate caution and analysis.

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