The National Bank of Georgia publishes the Monetary Policy Operations Manual

The National Bank of Georgia publishes the Monetary Policy Operations Manual

29 March, 2019
Improvement of monetary policy communication and securing transparency is one of the priorities of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG). Hence, considering the experience of leading central banks, the NBG has developed a "Monetary Policy Operations Manual". It provides the detailed description of the conduct of monetary policy by the NBG that ensures its main objective of price stability. The Manual covers both the main principles of monetary policy formation and operational details. The document is published on the NBG website and aims at informing the public about the functions and activities of the NBG.

The main objective of the NBG is to maintain price stability, which is a precondition for the long-term sustainable economic growth. The NBG operates under inflation targeting framework. This regime, which is seen as arguably the most efficient contemporary approach to maintaining price stability, relies on the announcement of an inflation target to guide the monetary policy in maintaining inflation close to the target level in the medium term. In the case of Georgia, the inflation target is set at 3%, and the monetary policy is conducted in a way that inflation is maintained around the target level in the medium term. Clearly, inflation target does not mean a 3-percent limit, as in the short-term inflation may deviate from the target level in both directions. However, as a result of the monetary policy of the NBG, the inflation will always return to the target level of 3% in the medium term.

The main instrument of the monetary policy is the monetary policy rate. Decisions to change the rate are made based on inflation forecasts. The monetary policy framework includes liquidity management, short-term liquidity forecasting, monetary policy instruments and collateral management.

The Monetary Policy Operations Manual also covers the exchange rate policy of the NBG. Furthermore, the document describes current challenges, particularly dollarization. To tackle this matter is a precondition for further improvement in monetary policy efficiency.

Will be available in English – in the process of translation.
(Available only in Georgian)