National Bank of Georgia participated in VISA Regional Meeting

National Bank of Georgia participated in VISA Regional Meeting

04 November, 2014
On November 4th of 2014, working meeting of regulators, law enforcement agencies and banks of Caucasus region was organized by international card system VISA; the meeting was attended by Georgian, Azeri and Armenian Central Banks, Law enforcement agencies and banks participating in VISA system. The goal of the meeting is to introduce safety trends in payment ecosystem, and methods of protection and investigation of from fraud related to cybercrime, also modern means of protection of card business and meaning of risk management.

Executive Director Giorgi Melashvili spoke to the participants. „Together with development of payment systems, it is important for us to maintain the trust of our customers towards payment tool and payment systems in general; and one of the key functions of National Bank is support to safe, sustainable and effective functioning of current payment systems. Thus, National Bank of Georgia continuously studies the trends and possible threats on payment card market and does its best to increase public trust towards payment systems”, - said Giorgi Melavshvili, Executive Director of National Bank.

During the meeting the attendants discussed such important issues as trends of controlling credit card fraud and priorities, data protection strategy, VISA risk management tools and services, risk management in e-commerce and customer experience, strategy of law enforcement in combating cybercrime, visa strategy on cooperation of Governmental and non-governmental organizations with regards to development of non-cash payment; priorities of no-cash payments in Caucasus region.