Koba Gvenetadze Met With The Governor Of The National Bank Of Ukraine Yakiv Smolii

Koba Gvenetadze Met With The Governor Of The National Bank Of Ukraine Yakiv Smolii

31 May, 2018

The President of the National Bank of Georgia, Koba Gvenetadze is taking part in the International Research Conference in Ukraine.  Annual Conference  "The relationship between fiscal policy and monetary policy" takes place in Kiev and is organized by the National Bank of Ukraine and the National Bank of Poland.  Governors of the Central Banks, representatives of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and world's leading universities, as well as economic experts and researchers from different countries around the world are participating in this conference.  Tomorrow, at the conference Koba Gvenetadze is presenting the report: "Development of Inflation Targeting in Georgia - Role of Fiscal Policy ".  

Today, within the frameworks of the conference, Koba Gvenetadze held a bilateral meeting with the Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine, Yakiv Smolii. During the bilateral meeting, the governors of the National Banks discussed economic processes in the countries and issues of mutual cooperation. The Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine has planned to visit Georgia in June 2018, where the representatives of the National Bank of Georgia will share their expereiences with the Ukrainian colleagues about implemented reforms and projects. Within the frameworks of the visit, the delegation of the National Bank of Ukraine plans to visit and get acquainted with the work of the Cash Center of the National Bank of Georgia.