Current Tendencies of Bank Deposits

Current Tendencies of Bank Deposits

27 May, 2019
The total volume of non-bank deposits in the country's banking sector increased by 0.1 percent or by 14.1 million GEL (exchange rate effect excluded volume of deposits decreased by 0.2 percent), compared to April 1, 2019 and constituted 23.1 billion GEL by May 1, 2019. In April, the volume of term deposits decreased by 34.3 million GEL (0.3 percent; exchange rate effect excluded volume of term deposits decreased by 0.6 percent). Demand deposits increased by 48.5 million GEL (0.4 percent; exchange rate effect excluded volume of demand deposits increased by 0.2 percent).

The larization ratio of total non-bank deposits constituted 38.27 percent by May 1, 2019 and increased by 0.12 percentage point (exchange rate effect excluded by 0.21 percentage point) compared to April 1, 2019.

The market interest rate on term deposits constituted 5.5 percent. In particular, the market interest rate for national currency denominated deposits was 7.3 percent and the market interest rate for foreign currency denominated deposits - 2.9 percent.

The share of the US dollar in the total volume of foreign currency denominated deposits equals 84.4 percent and the share of the Euro equals 14.1 percent.

Current statistical information is published on the NBG's website: