"Economics and Banking"

"Economics and Banking"

23 June, 2014

Another issue of Scientific-Analytical Journal of the National Bank of Georgia "Economics And Banking" has been published. The articles included cover the following:

Exchange rate determinants
Exchange rate impact on the consumer prices and import prices
Sharp growth effects and post-crisis economic growth (based on example of Post-Soviet countries)
Risk management of FX portfolios
Implementation of corporative compliance systems
Business continuity management based on the international standards
Winners of Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

A pdf version of Journal will be available on NBG official web-page: https://www.nbg.gov.ge/index.php?m=618&lng=geo 
and on the internet blog:

The primary objective of the Journal "Economics and Banking" is to bring the knowledge and information accumulated inside the institution to the wide audience. Besides, it is the best opportunity for the economists and financiers to express their opinions on the current economic processes taking place in the country and abroad. Journal will foster the young researchers and scientists who work on specific economic or finance topics.